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Greetings Travel Fans, We're still getting new members on an almost daily basis, since the recent database overhaul, but unfortunately many are little more than 'link-placing, spam accounts
Michel 11.10.2020 0 2342
Business listings
Moser Active is a Patagonian adventure travel company, located in Puerto Natales, Chile. Featuring a combination of physical activities, interaction with nature, cultural exchange and local gastronomy, activities range from hiking & trekking, soft adv…
12.10.2020 · From Michel
Simien Lodge
The highest lodge in Africa, Simien Lodge is proudly owned by Nick Crane; a Brit living in France. The scenery in Simien Mountain National Park is so spectacular that it was made an UNESCO World Heritage Site; the second to be created, after Yellowstone National Park, in the USA. If you stay at Si…
Categories: Lodge 
Saware, Ethiopia
Phone: +251 582 310741
Price Range for Rooms: unspecified
23.08.2020 · From Michel
Columbus, Mississippi is a town that thrives on its rich heritage and Southern charm. It has been the inspiration for Pulitzer Prize winners, such as Eudora Welty and Tennessee Williams. Columbus is the perfect destination for anyone who appreciates classic Southern architecture (Historic Home Tour…
0 persons here · 0 persons been here · 0 persons going here
28.05.2014 · From Michel
Public Events
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Le Tour de France 2020 starts today - a little later than usual - but the shadow of Covid-19 still remains; with riders concerned that they might not even get to Paris. If two riders of a team are tested positive for the virus, the whole team will be removed from the race. If all goes to plan, we'…
29.08.2020 13:00
Le Tour, Nice to Paris, France
From Michel
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While many Alpine descents around Switzerland may have been cancelled in 2021 due to continued Covid-19 fears in some areas, this was not the case in Mels, canton St Gallen. The weather was gloriou…
Moser Active is a Patagonian adventure travel company, located in Puerto Natales, Chile. Featuring a combination of physical activities, interaction with nature, cultural exchange and local gastronom…
0 fans
Puerto Natales, Chile
Greetings Travel Fans, We're still getting new members on an almost daily basis, since the recent database overhaul, but unfortunately many are little more than 'link-placing, spam accounts'. Sure a 'real person' takes the effort to push the submit button and maybe copy and paste some basic descri…
Founded in 2001 by the swedes Jesper Ronngard and Per Abrahamsson, Navigare Yachting is one of the world's leading premium charter operators with nearly 300 sailing yachts available in nine countries …
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